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Like the stock repair strategy, the stock enhancement strategy can be used to significantly enhance the return on a stock investment with no additional cost.

Example 1

In early March, you buy 100 shares of ZZZ at the current price of $58. Target price is $75.

We’re looking at a profit target of (75 – 58) / 58 = 29 percent.

To enhance this strategy:

  • Buy 1 Jan 70 call @ $3.70 per share
  • Sell 2 Jan 75 calls @ $2.50 per share

This will produce a net credit of (2.50 x 2) – 3.70 = $1.30 per share.

The net holding is:

  • A covered call (long 100 shares + short 1 Jan 75 call)
  • A bull call spread (long 1 Jan 70 call + short 1 Jan 75 call)

If ZZZ is above $75 in 10 months at the January expiration:

  • The stock will be called away for $75, with a (75 – 58) = $17 gain
  • The bull call spread will be worth $5 per share

The total gain will be (17 + 5 + 1.30) = $23.30. This is equivalent to the stock price of (58 + 23.30) = $81.30, which is a profit of (81.30 – 58)/58 = 40 percent, compared to the gain in stock price movement of 29 percent.

Example 2

Instead of buying the stock, buy the call. Also buy the bull spread.

Suppose you buy the 1 Jan 40 call for $19.70 per share with a delta of 0.87. You also buy the bull spread with a credit of $1.30 per share.

This call price will likely advance dollar for dollar with the stock price.

The payoff at expiration if the stock price is above $75 will be (75 – 40) – 19.70 + 5 + 1.3 = $21.60 per share.

The P&L from -$19.70 to $21.60 represents a return of 110 percent!